Birds Maps

This page provides downloadable ‘occupany maps’ for several common bird species in the Coastal Douglas Biogeoclimatic Zone of British Columbia. Details of mapping techniques and potential applications of these maps can be found in:

» Birds as indicators of ecological integrity and human influence (APB Conference presentation) (Schuster and Arcese, 2013)
» Using bird species community occurrence to prioritize forests for old growth restoration (Schuster and Arcese, 2013)
» Species distribution models: Ecological explanation and protection across space and time (Elith and Leathwick, 2009)
» Modelling regional-scale habitat of forest birds when land management guidelines are needed but information is limited (Beaudry et al., 2008)
» Replacing underperforming protected areas achieves better conservation outcomes (Fuller et al., 2010)
» Environmentally biased fragmentation of oak savannah habitat on southeastern Vancouver Island, Canada (Vellend et al., 2008)

Species Habitat Link to Map Further Information
American goldfinch Open agricultural fields with shrubs such as orchards and hedgerows. AMGO150dpi
American robin Any open woodland habitats including coniferous, deciduous forests and suburban areas. AMRO150dpi
bald eagle Areas near lakes, rivers, marshes and coasts with an unobstructed view of surroundings and prominent trees for roosting/nesting BAEA150dpi
barn swallow Any open habitats. Closely associated with man-made structures (especially when nesting). BARS150dpi
Bewick’s wren Dry, brushy areas from field thickets to openings in coniferous forests. BEWR150dpi
brown-headed cowbird Open or patchy woodlands. BHCO150dpi
brown creeper Mature forests with wet, shaded areas. BRCR150dpi
chestnut-backed chickadee Dense, moist forests often of oaks, pines, and Douglas fir. CBCH150dpi
chipping sparrow Open woodlands and/or woodland edges with grassy understory CHSP150dpi
common raven Mountainous terrains including coniferous forests, arid brushlands, to tundra. CORA150dpi
dark-eyed junco Open woodland with coniferous or mixed wood patches. DEJU150dpi
European starling Human settlements such as buildings, agricultural fields, and suburban woodlands. EUST150dpi
fox sparrow Dense brushy scrubs FOSP150dpi
golden-crowned kinglet Mature coniferous woods such as spruce and hemlock. Usually high in the trees. GCKI150dpi
Hammond’s flycatcher Coniferous and mixed forests. Perch high in tall trees. HAFL150dpi
hairy woodpecker Mature forests. HAWO150dpi
house finch Any patchy, brushy wooded areas. Almost always in small flocks. HOFI150dpi
house sparrow Ubiquitous; open habitats including farmland and man-made structures. Commonly seen in a flock. HOSP150dpi
house wren Thick brushy habitats with openings and grassy patches. HOWR150dpi
Macgillivray’s warbler Openings of mixed deciduous forests with think, brushy understory. MGWA150dpi
Northwestern crow Coastal coniferous forests and beach and shorelines from Kodiak Island, Alaska, to Puget Sound, Washington. NWCR150dpi
Northern flicker Wooded areas with openings, forest edges, suburbs. NOFL150dpi
Northern rough-winged swallow Open habitats with vertical surfaces and close to rivers and streams. NRWS150dpi
orange-crowned warbler Dense brushy, weedy habitats within woodlands, particularly alder and willow thickets. OCWA150dpi
olive-sided flycatcher Boreal forests and their edges/openings. Always perches at the most conspicuous spot to forage. OSFL150dpi
pine_siskin Open coniferous and mixed forests; might visit parks, orchards and suburban woodlands. PISI150dpi
pileated woodpecker Mature hardwood and coniferous forests. PIWO150dpi
Pacific-slope flycatcher Moist, shaded coniferous and deciduous forests. PSFL150dpi
purple finch Patchy, woody brushes and mixed deciduous forest. Do not prefer buildings. PUFI150dpi
red-breasted nuthatch Coniferous, mixed, and deciduous forests. RBNU150dpi
rufous hummingbird Open coniferous forests, riparian woods. RUHU150dpi
red-winged blackbird Wet, marshy or brushy habitats. RWBL150dpi
savannah sparrow Open grassy/weedy habitats; less common in brushy areas. SAVS150dpi
song sparrow Brushy areas near water. SOSP150dpi
spotted towhee Open habitats with brushy undergrowth SPTO150dpi
Swainson’s thrush Mature mixed forests. SWTH150dpi
Townsend’s warbler Mature coniferous forests. TOWA150dpi
tree swallow Open fields that are near water. TRES150dpi
varied thrush Coniferous forests; winters in damp shaded woods. VATH150dpi
violet-green swallow Open woodlands that are near water. VGSW150dpi
warbling vireo Woodlands near water, particularly large cottonwood and aspen trees. WAVI150dpi
white-crowned sparrow Patchy brushy areas. WCSP150dpi
Western tanager Coniferous and deciduous forests. WETA150dpi
Wilson’s warbler Extensive brushy forests with dense understory, usually near water. WIWA150dpi
winter/Pacific wren Damp, shaded areas of coniferous forests. WIWR150dpi
yellow-rumped warbler Open coniferous forests and their edges. YRWA150dpi
yellow warbler Wet, brushy areas such as willow thickets. YWAR150dpi